Zero Harm

At Max Facility , the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors, customers and the community is our first priority.

We take a holistic approach to managing risks in our workplaces, and from our work. This includes risks to physical safety, mental wellbeing, and physical health.

Our vision is to create a Zero Harm culture that enables us all to enjoy the things we value in our lives, and build a future for ourselves, our families and the community we live in.  Put simply, we view health and safety as a fundamental value in caring for our people and our customers.

As we continue to strive for Zero Harm, our current focus areas are:

  • Developing visible, felt and effective leaders at all levels – we want our people to feel that our leaders care about their safety and wellbeing.
  • Effective Critical Controls for our most significant risks – ensuring our teams understand what the Critical Risks are in their work, and constantly check to make sure that the most important controls are working effectively to protect people and the environment. 
  • Strong culture through engagement – helping our people feel empowered to choose the safest way, making sure we listen to the frontline in making decisions, and developing a culture of caring for each others’ wellbeing

We Provide the Best Service in Industry​

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